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Ayush Singh

Integration Engineer
Ericsson India Global Ltd.

About Me

Hi! I am Ayush Singh.

Integration Engineer | Flutter developer | Web Developer | UI/UX Designer | Photographer

I am an Integration Engineer at Ericsson India Global Ltd. (undergraduate of Netaji Subhash Engineering College, Kolkata). I have pursued my Bachelor's of Technology in Information Technology. I am a Flutter enthusiast/developer, Web developer, and a UI/UX designer. My tech-stack comprises of C, Python, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Linux, and Dart. I was a contributing writer at Analytics Vidhya, and have worked as a Moderator at Manning Publications. I was also an active member and a volunteer at GDG Kolkata, and WTM Kolkata, which kept me technically sound and updated. I have also volunteered in technical events such as Kolkata Kreate organized by GDG Kolkata and WTM Kolkata, as a photographer.

Skill Stack

Dart | Python | HTML5 | CSS3 | JavaScript | Linux


Flutter developer

Building Android applications using the Flutter framework.

Web developer

Making simple yet effective websites using HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript.

UI/UX Designer

Rsponsive, Interactive and minimal designs for Web and Mobile, using Adobe XD and BuilderX.


Capturing memories, by focusing on beautiful objects in life, apart from my goals.


26 Apr 2020

Python Lists, Strings, and Dictionaries- a breif note.

The first article of my series: "Introduction to Data Science. This blog gives a basic idea Lists, Strings, and Dictionaries, and their wide application in Data Science. "

Tags: Python Data Science

16 May 2020

Python Dates and Times, Python objects

The second article of my series:"Introduction to Data Science. This blog gives a basic idea Python Dates, Times, Objects."

Tags: Python Data Science